Friday, March 16, 2007

loi 37

avis a la végénation
au pays de l'empereur tomato ketchup
les enfants sont roi
et ils font la loi
c'est l'année zero de la rebellion
so it was decree
by the queen of hearts
off with there head
and if the kid
are united
there will be no more
mass genocyde
but who fucking care
lets kill them all
and keep on rocking

Thursday, March 15, 2007


like one who,on a lonely road,
doth walk in fear and dread,
and,having once turned round,walk on
and turns no more his head;
because he know a frightful fiend
doth close behind him tread

pareil a quelqu'un qui,sur une route deserte,
se hate,plein de peur et d'apprehension,
et qui,apres s'etre retourné,va de l'avant,
sans jamais plus tourner la tete;
parce qu'il sent qu'un affreux demon,
tout pres,derriere lui,s'avance

Mary Shelley

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


cease to exist
just came to say you love me
give up your world
common and get me
i am your man
i am your kind
i can be...
walk on,walk on
common and get me
Oh garbage dump
Oh garbage dump
why are you a garbage dump
my love for you is a garbage dump
my need for you is a garbage dump
why dont you join me in my garbage dump
our love is going to be a garbage dump
Charles Manson ©

Thursday, March 08, 2007

traduction pour un sourd

to our fathers defending the throne
to the power behind the throne
to the torment of the forbidden past
to those yet to walk on this earth
to the unfoolish madness of men
from the tears of woman
to the ocean in our blood
as for every flowers who bloom in the dirt
for the choosen and the unborn
as for the tree and the leaves
the rock and the sun
the star and the moon
on the above,and on the inside
throughout time and space
in the garden of eden
blink not in front of the truth

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Monday, March 05, 2007

The Cow

Formidable petit frère vous avez bousillé la terre fusillé notre mère
Et l'amour qu'on t'a tant preché savais-tu qu'on voulait l'empecher
On encourage la déception un desespoire né d'illusions où le courage est l'exception
Tous les pouvoirs sont contre toi des millénaires de mauvaise foi
Ah putaing l'enculé, ché pas eeuhh
L'enculé, la vache

Les complots de la milice et leurs complices dans la police si plein de paroles destructrices
Misérables vers de terre qui risquent à chaque jour de taire la poésie de l'univers
Yeah, j'ai tous compris, Yeah, c'est clair
Tous les pouvoirs sont contre moi des millionaires du mauvaise foi
Ah putaing l'enculé, ché pas eeuhh
L'enculé, la vache

Degueulé par l'idiotie de nos petits amis
Les politiciens sont désengagés de reconnaître
La vrai raison d'l'égaliser
Mon proverbe cé comme la vache k'yé dans un pré
On a la droit de brouter l'herbe mais malheureusement on n'a pas la droit de la fumer
mais ca vaut pas la peine, vaut pas la peine, vaut pas la peine,
De trop s'en faire car on est la pour en deranger kek'tete enflé
Ki nous font chier
Cé ca qu'on va faire, ca qu'on va faire, ca qu'on va faire
Déranger, jusqu'à temps ki vont en venir par s'résigner
Ah putaing l'enculé, ché pas eeuhh
L'enculé, la vache

Sunday, March 04, 2007


This modern house Negro loves his master. He wants to live near him. He'll pay three times as much as the house is worth just to live near his master, and then brag about "I'm the only Negro out here." "I'm the only one on my job." "I'm the only one in this school." You're nothing but a house Negro. And if someone comes to you right now and says, "Let's separate," you say the same thing that the house Negro said on the plantation. "What you mean, separate? From America, this good white man? Where you going to get a better job than you get here?" I mean, this is what you say. "I ain't left nothing in Africa," that's what you say. Why, you left your mind in Africa.

If the master's house caught on fire, the house Negro would fight harder to put the blaze out than the master would. If the master got sick, the house Negro would say, "What's the matter, boss, we sick?" We sick! He identified himself with his master, more than his master identified with himself. And if you came to the house Negro and said, "Let's run away, let's escape, let's separate," the house Negro would look at you and say, "Man, you crazy. What you mean, separate? Where is there a better house than this? Where can I wear better clothes than this? Where can I eat better food than this?" That was that house Negro. In those days he was called a "house nigger." And that's what we call them today, because we've still got some house niggers running around here.

On that same plantation, there was the field Negro. The field Negroes - those were the masses. There were always more Negroes in the field than there were Negroes in the house. The Negro in the field caught hell. He ate leftovers. In the house they ate high up on the hog. The Negro in the field didn't get anything but what was left of the insides of the hog.

The field Negro was beaten from morning to night; he lived in a shack, in a hut; he wore old, castoff clothes. He hated his master. I say he hated his master. He was intelligent. That house Negro loved his master, but that field Negro - remember, they were in the majority, and they hated the master. When the house caught on fire, he didn't try to put it out; that field Negro prayed for a wind, for a breeze. When the master got sick, the field Negro prayed that he'd die. If someone came to the field Negro and said, "Let's separate, let's run," he didn't say, "Where we going?" He'd say, "Any place is better than here."

El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz

Friday, March 02, 2007


torture souls and velvet skin
peach hip girl and the sharkskin man
twisting love in a acid spun
rolling high in the way of life

bang! bang! bang!

my baby dead
but she dont care
she on extasy
asian chix in a asian flix
she the candy girl wanna lick all nigth

bang! bang! bang!

my baby dead
but she dont care
she on extasy
she rock all nigth
she smack all nigth
she the candy girl
wanna lick all nigth

bang! bang! bang!

and now im dead
but i dont care
she in love with me
peach hip girl reproducing herself
splendid drug in the candy store
now its time to go taste the candy girl

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Chasse et Peche

i got a girl
she dance at the disco
pale skin wish you surprise
in the rhum and coke
dance all night
dont look back
teenage girl got the card tonight
twisted light
false love speeches
tight high skirt
enflaming the wolf
G.H.B...B.M.W...C.N.N and the R.A.P.E
wake up call
love mating was a liar game
now get the fuck out!
u drunken bee