Monday, January 23, 2006

generation bart

as our nation,les habitants du bouclier canadien,le gros quebecois a caisse de douze,but let us not fall into this barbaric language,as i was saying as our nation is maybe at the bring of subliminal chaos,let us talk about a complete futile subject, and other condiments

the first time i open eyes on the internet i was hoping so much from it,but yet today internet is the biggest piece of crap ever created....but maybe is there hope for it.

google as give us a tool to rebuild the great libray of alexandria,the first time i was on internet i was thinking that i could visit le louvre see la pieta in all angle,watch and hear without download any movie,song,sound ever tape
read any book as if i had it in my didnt get this well,i then learn that i could have some of those thing
but not without long hours of waiting searching and retry.even today internet is nothing but a big advertisement for disney with hardcore pop up porn,try finding plan to build an cupboard or a specific information.internet could give us so much if only the people making money from it was interrested in making money in a more intelligent for the singer,movie mecca and all other cash vampire you should be ashame of even be offended that people steal like you say,but most of those people steal your precious song because they love you,like the egg and the chicken,you wouldnt be there if they didnt put you there and they wouldnt steal your song,i always thing of an artist of a personne who want to touch,create an emotion,make someone think,evoluate.....

with the use of google video i will try to offer to internet great and rare moment of the human species from video

this is the best link i can give to the video once there for more video click on more from this user

Thursday, January 12, 2006

how to kill the mocking man

"" ' ' " ' " ''' "" '' " '" ' "' '"" '" 15-01-06

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'" """' '

Nous avons recu demain cette manchette sur notre minitel,
ce language bien qu'ostaire pour tout les incultes n'est pas moins
familier a tous watcheux d'oiseaux est de matante yvette au perroquet
chantant,donc apres un gros dix minutes de traductions voici le régurgiter

Supreme Council P&N 15-01-06

To all our fellow Paleognataen and Neognathaen of earth it his now the time of revolution,
we must annihilate this vils human species,who for to long having been cultivating us for food
eating our child still in there shell,blowing our head off with shotgun just for the good laugh,
making us talk like them just to ridiculize us,we say no more!

with our previous fail attempt of 18,we have devellop a new virus that this time will bring us
victory,as for this moment every feather reptilians is orders to produce in mass quantities in his
systeme the virus H5N1 and let nature make his choice

'" """' '

puisque notre traducteur de l'anglais au francais nous est morts sur le bras!on
pourras jamais savoir le contenu de cette prophecie,si un ontarien peut nous le traduire on apprecierais